Recruiting the right team
Sourcing quality candidates and then applying valid selection tools to ensure that you have sufficient information to make the best selection decision.
You know how important it is to find the right team member, we can help. By the use of valid selection tools we can reduce the risk of hiring mistakes and we stand by our work with longer than standard replacement guarantees.

Manpower Planning
We help you to design a people strategy to better enable you to source, hire and retain the employees that you need. Employee engagement can improve retention, productivity, innovation, and customer service. Your business relies on its people, so it makes sense to plan how to get the best from them.

Finding the right people is never easy and it’s even more challenging when your recruiter lacks the selection skills or the industry understanding to do the job. We chase down active candidates through advertising, passive candidates through media search and database trawls and use your extensive network to recommend likely employees. Once we have created a pool our work really begins.

Employee Value Proposition (EVP)
Have you considered your EVP? The EVP refers to the package, the terms and conditions and the experiences that an organisation will offer to recruits in order to attract and retain them. Top People’s broad experience and specific work on remuneration reviews puts us in a good position to advise on your organisation’s EVP.

Selection tools (interviews, workplace skills tests, psychometric testing, reference checks) are referred to in terms of their validity, how effective they are in their role. The first consideration must be which tools are appropriate for the role and organisation and then how will they be applied. We begin our process with our Essential Criteria Assessment where we screen the pool and take only those with the ‘must have’ experience to the next stage. TOP People employees are trained in selection skills and know how to apply them. To us an interview is far more than a casual conversation.

Our role is to assess the candidates using the appropriate tools and then provide you with sufficient information to make the best selection decision. It might be a workplace skills test where the candidate is asked to demonstrate their skills, or a structured behavioral interview where potential employees are asked to give examples of their previous experience in the key areas. Qualifications will be checked, and reference checks conducted by the interviewer, ensuring referees can support the claims made at interview. Once complete we will provide you with a candidate summary which you can use to compare against others to put together your final shortlist.

When did you last review your contracts? Have they been updated to reflect the changes in the Awards or the Fair Work Act? Do they protect you from spurious claims? We can review your contracts and make recommendations to update them where necessary.

Your induction of a new employee is really important. Right from the start you will make an impression, either good or poor, that will have a real effect on your new employee’s performance. A good induction is conducted over a period of time, up to a year, and will include initial information and checks to ensure progress is smooth. All too often we have seen candidates turn up on the first day to find that no plans have been made, their tools and equipment haven’t been prepared and no-one has been scheduled to brief them. Its not a good start and reflects poorly on an organisation. TOP People can help with a detailed induction process tailored to fit your organisation.